NAPA Autocare Schedule CSI Consultation

1-on-1 CSI Consultation

How to get the most from your customer feedback data


What will be covered in the 30 minute consultation? 
  1. What is the ‘Net Promoter Score’?
  2. Viewing your customer groupings – Promoters, Passives, Detractors
  3. Reviewing a single customer survey
  4. Reviewing responses by question:
    • Where are you doing well as far as customer satisfaction
    • Where should attention be given
  5. Finding data in questions that have no score shown:
    • Valuable graphs
    • Comments left at a question level (View all)
  6. Comments left that are positive and negative in nature
  7. Working with notifications:
    • The 4 notification types
    • The recommended 4 step systematic process
    • Communicating with your customers
  8. Other ASK LISTEN RETAIN features:
    • Email customers direct – individually or by bulk list
    • Generate online reporting
    • SMS Text message option
    • Using positive notifications to inspire staff
    • Your Google and Yelp pages – customers are encouraged to leave feedback
    • Post your survey on your Facebook business page
    • Those using TRACS SMS:
      • The importance of your customer database (mobile and email address)
      • Promoting the NAPA App
      • Text messaging option
  9. Advanced (if time permits) – GAP Analysis explanation and review of your data